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5 Things You Should Know About Big Bear Heating

Bear Valley Plumbing & Heating


After three decades in the heating and air business, we’ve heard many myths when it comes to keeping a home heated and cooled. Homeowners are always interested in saving money on utilities, but they may not always know the best way to do it. We want our customers to be comfortable, but we also want them to save as much money as possible on their bills. That’s money they can spend on more important things, like vacations and new cars.

We’re here to dispel myths and help you learn the truth about what you can do to reduce utility bills and maximize your heating system’s efficiency. Here are a few tips from our top technicians.

Closing Vents Doesn’t Help

If you have rooms in your home that you don’t use, it makes sense that closing the vents to those rooms can save money. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work. Today’s heating systems are built to maximize efficiency for the designated square footage. Not only does closing off vents fail to reduce your heating and air bills, you can also damage your system by hampering the airflow throughout the year.

Your Thermostat Matters

You may be putting off replacing that thermostat that came with your home, but that small change can make a big difference. A programmable thermostat will let you set your home to stay slightly warmer in the summer and slightly cooler in the winter during those hours when you aren’t home. You can set the system to automatically adjust an hour or so before you arrive, saving money during the hours of the day when your home is not occupied.

Change Your Air Filters

Big Bear Heating technicians constantly advise customers to change their air filters at least every two months for a family without allergy issues. A monthly change can ensure the air in your home remains clean and its occupants stay healthy. It will also help keep your heating system operating efficiently, which will extend its life and potentially offset any issues you might have.

Seal All Leaks

No matter how well your heating system operates, it won’t be able to do its job if you leave a window or door open. While you likely would never do such a thing while your unit was running, you still can be losing air through cracks in your home. Check around doors, windows, and other spaces for signs of leaks that can easily be sealed. Containing those leaks can make a big difference in your monthly utility bills.

Monitor Pricing Changes

Once you’ve lived in your house for a while, you’ll likely know what to expect from your monthly utility bills. If you notice a sudden spike in cost, pay close attention to it. Note anything that might have caused the change, such as unusually cold weather or an extraordinary amount of Christmas lighting during the holiday season. If you see sudden changes with no such explanation, it could be a sign of a failing heating unit and the sooner you address it, the less time you’ll spend paying more than you should.

How is your heating system performing? Schedule a tune-up today to make sure you’re in the best shape possible for the cold winter months. Click Here.

If you are looking for a Big Bear plumbing, heating & air conditioning contractor, please call (909) 584-4376 or complete our online request form.
